Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

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  • Cairo, Egyp. Uploaded by neiljs on Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license

    Heartbreak by the Nile

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    Globalization has great benefits and great side effects. When the global economy is doing well, a lot of people try moving to the developed world for a better life while an ailing economy also forces people to find jobs elsewhere. Economic knockdown is perpetuating bad labor practices both in the […]

  • The Darker Face of EU Solidarity

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    As Europe struggles on with the effects of the economic crisis, the debate on the upcoming EU budget is raising renewed concerns about solidarity. With calls for cuts to the Union’s budget becoming ever louder, we need to think about what effects fewer subsidies for poorer member states would have […]

  • Mexico and the 2008 Financial Crisis, from Flu to Pneumonia

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    In early 2008 preceding the American economic crisis, former Mexican Treasury Secretary Agustín Carstens stated that the effects of such a recession on the Mexican economy would be “a simple flu rather than a pneumonia.” It only took a few months to prove how wrong he was. The deep interconnection […]

  • Uganda’s Remittance Blues

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    African countries like Uganda are paying more attention to migrant workers’ remittances because this money has become another avenue for spurring domestic development. The reason for this attention is simple: “remittance flows directly impact on consumption, savings and investment“. As of 2007 Uganda was among the top 10 African remittance […]