Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts from ‘Lost in Economic Globalization?’

  • Remanufacturing Australia’s future

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    Globalisation is still a concept not fully felt by many Australians, cushioned as we are by strong domestic industries such as manufacturing and mining.  Geographically disconnected from the rest of the world, we are more used to seeing the negative effects of globalisation such as skyrocketing unemployment, tumbling property markets […]

  • Ukraine at the crossroads of globalization

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    Special thanks to my co-author, Julia Rokicka Like the traveller in Robert Frost’s famous poem The Road Not Taken, Ukraine is now poised between two roads, one pro-European Union and the other pro-Russian. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union and its own independence, Ukrainian society has been divided, […]

  • La pobreza de la clase media globalizada

    Abstract: Amid the misery that abounds and overflows the streets of developing countries, advertising shows us happy and perfect families experiencing moments of ecstasy and communion under the taste of a Coke, or deluded girls who inhabit the bichromatic world of Barbie, the eroticized gothic of Monster High or the centennial […]

  • Sobre conejos, renos y nieves tropicales

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    Abstract: All my memories about Christmas involve snow and a Santa Clauss going down a chimney, in the middle of the equatorial tropic. How are these traditions stablished as such, specially when they are not related to our reality? How or why do we keep repeating and continuing these traditions? There […]