Entertainment Rises Rural Tanzania’s Solar Energy Demand
Tanzanians in rural areas that are undeserved by hydroelectricity are rising the demand for solar energy in order to meet their entertainment needs. A recent study by Solaris Offgrid reveals that households in rural areas of northern Tanzania who want to own or have access to entertainment appliances such as […]
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La izquierda retrocede en Latinoamérica ¿afectará los DDHH?
Ya desde hace un tiempo se viene hablando del ocaso de la izquierda en Latinoamérica. El llamado Grupo Bolivariano, formado principalmente por los paises propulsores en la región del Socialismo del siglo XXI, es decir, Venezuela, Ecuador y Bolivia, empieza a dar señales de que se avecina un cambio del […]
What does the decline of the left in Latin America mean for human rights?
For some time now, there has been talk of the decline of the left in Latin America. The so-called Bolivarian Group, mainly formed by the key initiator countries of “Socialism of the 21st century” in the region, i.e. Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia, is beginning to show signs that regime change is happening […]
Carrying Everest
His hands tell a story. Marked with lines and callouses, they have carried heavy loads. The weight of a historical connection to a sacred land that has been punctuated by hardship and challenge in the shadows of the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest. Meet Dilip Kulung, a former porter who […]
Migration crisis in the EU – Choosing between bad and worst?
As migrants keep arriving at the borders of the European Union, EU countries will soon face a hard choice. They will either risk a social crisis by carrying on with their foreign policy that lacks deep-cutting engagement such as serious military involvement and state building in conflict zones and better […]