Reflections on Dubai – Part One. A Cliché is a Cliché is a Cliché.
I work abroad from time to time. Currently, I`m based in Dubai. Before departure I faced many Dubai related clichés and got the notion that allthough everybody has an idea about the emirate, few have actually been there longer than a day or two. That´s why I want to tell […]
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A new scenario between Bolivia and Brazil: immigration
It is not uncommon, when walking through the streets of Sao Paulo or in train stations and subways, to find an Bolivian immigrant who could be identified by a background of a mix of Amerindians, Mestizos, Europeans, Asians and Africans. These individuals today make up an estimated population of about […]
We need a new social contract – not just austerity
When economic growth is not a given anymore, how can democratically elected governments trigger growth, maintain the welfare state and keep public spending down all at the same time? The answer is easy: they simply can’t. European welfare states have come to a crossroads. On the one hand, private investors […]
When Polenta Explodes
Protests, Poverty and Prosperity in Perspective 2012 started with a bang in Bucharest. The usually sedate Romanian capital erupted with protests the likes of which had not been seen for at least a decade. At first glance it seemed that people were angry with new healthcare legislation and the ousting of a […]