Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

CoP Workshop with @Pollicy in Kampala

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Sandra from Pollicy presenting a proposal on ICT policies for PWDs

Sandra from Pollicy presenting a proposal on ICT policies for PWDs

Digitalisation can violate human rights through hate speech, fake news and shrinking spaces on the one hand, but it can be a highly efficient tool to reinforce networking and access to information on the other.

To take action and unite human rights defenders to spread the word, the DHRLab Communities of Practice came together in our workshop with last week. The CoPs presented the digital human rights related projects they recently developed and that aim to shape a collective future for a responsible technology use.

Among the HRDs were Timothy Kakuru from BarefootLaw, presented about Cyber Legislation, as well as Elvis from Ice Breakers Uganda, who talked about the CoP on Digital Inclusion.

Lawrence from Unwanted Witness combined both of the above mentioned topics while Sarah from Pollicy introduced a proposal on ICT policies for people with disabilities (PWD).

Charles from U-Touch informed about his project concerning land rights and human rights in northern Uganda (Gulu).

The participants were discussing how far they’ve come by now in their working groups and communicated possible synergies between their projects – collaborations could be benefiting to shape a collective future for a responsible technology use.