Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • Get Out of the Local Box

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    ‘I just sold organic honey from Brazil to Israel and now I’m working on selling wine from Spain to Ukraine’. This is how my friend Kiril describes his working day. Kiril is  is a sales and business development consultant in a company he manages with a partner. It mainly operates […]

  • Austerity without protests: how to do it?

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    In February and March 2011 thousands of citizens organized through social networks came out to protest in Zagreb against the worsening social and economic situation in Croatia. In January 2012 protests against austerity measures in Bucharest turned violent. In February 2013 the government of Bulgaria fell because of protests in […]

  • Macedonia: Forget Your Native Language, Learn English!

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    Macedonians know that hardly any foreigner will learn Macedonian.  It is the language of only two million people so mastering it doesn’t bring all that many benefits. Macedonians also know that there are many more opportunities out there than on the 25,713 km2 patch which they inhabit. So they put […]