Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘austerity’

  • Spanish Indignados: alive and ready to run in the elections

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      The 2008 financial collapse doubtlessly meant a turning point for Spain according to different perspectives. However, the most outstanding one could be the country’s political transformation shifting from its two-party system established since the 1978’s democratic transition with a decision-making process ruled by economic and political elites, to the […]

  • Mexican pesos. Photo by Speaking Latino CC BY 2.0

    Mexico’s middle class takes a body blow

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    A struggling middle class watched from the sidelines while Congress mangled a ‘miscellaneous fiscal reform’ through the Senate and passed it in ‘fast-track’ mode, creating great concern among millions of households. When Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto took up office in 2012, he came in embracing his role as the […]

  • True Prosperity in Times of Austerity

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    Here is a fictional scenario. I’m a contestant on a quiz show called Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I’ve managed to answer all the questions correctly up to now and there’s only one more question separating me from the million dollar prize. I’m on the edge of my seat […]