Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Budget Cuts’

  • Spanish Indignados: alive and ready to run in the elections

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      The 2008 financial collapse doubtlessly meant a turning point for Spain according to different perspectives. However, the most outstanding one could be the country’s political transformation shifting from its two-party system established since the 1978’s democratic transition with a decision-making process ruled by economic and political elites, to the […]

  • We need a new social contract – not just austerity

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    When economic growth is not a given anymore, how can democratically elected governments trigger growth, maintain the welfare state and keep public spending down all at the same time? The answer is easy: they simply can’t. European welfare states have come to a crossroads. On the one hand, private investors […]

  • The Darker Face of EU Solidarity

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    As Europe struggles on with the effects of the economic crisis, the debate on the upcoming EU budget is raising renewed concerns about solidarity. With calls for cuts to the Union’s budget becoming ever louder, we need to think about what effects fewer subsidies for poorer member states would have […]

  • Prevention Reduces Death Threat.

    Prevention is better than cure is an old saying but one that still holds true and on a much larger scale than one might at first think.  The economic burden that the health sector puts on the already mismanaged economies of third world countries could be substantially reduced by practising preventive medicine and educating […]