Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Corruption’

  • Romania’s Gilded Opportunity

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    These past  days Romania’s little corner of the Internet has been all astir : lines have been drawn in the sand and crossed, war drums  beaten and in a very uncharacteristic move, Romanians have  once more taken to the streets. The reason? A controversial gold mining project has recently been approved […]

  • How bad governance unites both ends of the Mediterranean

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    South of Ciudad Real in Central Spain lies a brand new airport with one of the longest runways in Europe, state of the art facilities and a capacity of 10 million passengers a year. Its only problem is that it is closed. The airport ceased operations in April 2012, less […]

  • Conflict in the DR Congo

    Fearing for the future, weeping for the past If civil-society struggles persist, the DRC will continue to fall short of its vast economic potential. Philip Gourevitch, author and journalist, once wrote: “Oh Congo, what a wreck. It hurts to look and listen. It hurts to turn away.” In three sentences […]

  • Ukraine: the government saves on balconies

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    10-year old Dayana went out onto a balcony which suddenly collapsed. Her blood splattered all over the yard of the “Youth” tuberculosis sanatorium in Simeyz (on Ukraine’s Сrimean peninsula). After five hours of struggle, the doctors declared her dead. Sounds like a cut from a horror movie, doesn’t it? But […]

  • No real austerity in Slovakia

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    Even in previous decades during years of high growth, Slovakia still ran up big deficits. To enter the euro area a country has to meet a reasonable set of criteria known as the Maastricht criteria. This means that a country which gives up its local currency must keep its deficit […]