Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Guerra del Agua’

  • ¿Globalización económica en Bolivia? No, gracias

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    Abstract: Bolivia has lived in the past decade vivid demostrations of its rejection to economic globalization. It started in Cochabamba in 2000 with the ouster of the Bechtel Corporation and since then it has become national politics inforced by the government or by the people. This constant rejection has led […]

  • El agua no es nuestra

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    Abstract: In the year 2000 the first Water War was held in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The government had just signed a contract with Aguas del Tunari, a company of the Bechtel Corporation, to administrate the water supply of the city of Cochabamba and its close surroundings. However, since the company started […]