Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Orphans’

  • Do something good every day. Photo by Howard Lake on Flickr under CC license (CC BY-SA 2.0)

    Russia: time to step up and help the community

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    Despite the stable growth of the Russian economy, social inequality in the country remains very high. Experts predict that Russia’s GDP will increase by 1.8 percent this year but such economic stability doesn’t translate into improvements of the welfare state nor does it guarantee any social sustainability. As a journalist […]

  • Lending a learning hand

    What started as a project to help improve the English language skills of underprivileged kids turned into something a lot more for the group of volunteers who ventured out to teach students at the Dar-ul-Shafqat, an orphanage in Pakistan. With activities ranging from English language workshops to playing cricket and letting the kids sing […]