Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world nominated for German Online Communication Awards

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A global project like FutureChallenges which relies on over 100 contributors from around the world (currently 55 countries) can only thrive when a diverse set of online tools is used. How else could you coordinate with Regional Editors on different continents, time zones and cultures? How else could we collaborate with a web agency that is based in another country? And how else could a worldwide blogger network be managed?

FutureChallenges is a project by the Bertelsmann Stiftung but at the same time it’s a decentralized network (see for example our blogger network) of people who report about their experiences, observations and possible solutions in order to address the need for a global perspective on global problems. In times of the Internet it doesn’t matter where people are based when they want to collaborate on a certain project. Our communication and the collaboration of all people involved is mostly internet-based and a whole bunch of modern communication tools comes into play.

For this reason we are very proud to be nominated for the category „Internal Online Communication“ of the German Online Communication Awards (German). There are three other shortlisted candidates in our category, who are global players in their sectors. We’re the only not-for-profit organization that is nominated. We hope for the best but we’re very thankful to be nominated in the first place!


Mario Wiedemann Twitter: mariosorg

#Digitalization, #ICT4Change, #OpenData, #NonProfits, #HumanRights. Co-Founder Future Challenges @fc__org.