Earthquake: Democracy Now! discusses US policy towards Haiti
US policy in Haiti “lays the foundation for why the impact of natural disaster is so severe”. Democracy Now! discusses the situation in Haiti following the massive earthquake in 2010, as well as the history of Haiti, with two guests who have spent a lot of time there.
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Corrupt government and natural disasters
A short video on the connection between natural disasters and corruption. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7EFY69YYJw
Fatima Bhutto on the floods in Pakistan and the government response
When Pakistan was struggling to recover from one of the worst natural disasters in its history, President Asif Ali Zardari was coming under criticism for his handling of the crisis. Democracy Now! spoke with Pakistani writer and poet, Fatima Bhutto about the floods in Pakistan and the government response.
The International Disaster Database
EM-DAT provides a database for assessment and rational decision-making in disaster situations. For example, it helps policymakers identify disaster types that are most common in a given country and have had significant historical impacts on specific human populations. Read more
International Human Development Indicators
The International Human Development Indicators have a couple of natural disaster indicators to incorporate with other metrics. Read more