Workshop on E-Waste Management in Kenya
Recommendations from the National Stakeholders Workshop on E-Waste Management in Kenya. UNEP Headquarters, Nairobi, 7 September 2010. [issuu width=420 height=272 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=111201113902-4d922c413dbd4dc8a33acb724969b863 name=e-waste_workshop_recommendations_final_1_ username=futurechallenges tag=e-waste unit=px id=1f9a1fe1-2ac0-d2ac-d03c-ed1772934808 v=2] The material available via this link was produced by the United Nations.
Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’
Recycling – From E-Waste to Resources
Sustainable Innovation, understood as the shift of sustainable technologies, products and services to the market, requires a market creation concept and one common global agenda. The challenge is to raise awareness among all actors of the different sectors in order to realize the innovation potential and to shift to eco-innovations […]
StEP – Solving the E-Waste Problem
StEP is an initiative of various UN organizations with the overall aim to solve the e-waste problem. Together with prominent members from industry, governments, international organizations, NGOs and academia actively participating in StEP, we initiate and facilitate approaches towards the sustainable handling of e-waste. In five Task Forces feasible, just […]
UN environment agency backs action to regulate e-waste in Kenya
Kenya is set to become the first East African nation to regulate the management of electronic waste, also known as “e-waste”, following a conference run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). read more The material available via this link was produced by the United Nations.
Back to the Future
An ancient recipe: Collect/Recycle/Use frugally. Apply to cities and rural areas. These simple guidelines could resolve a lot of water issues in developed and developing countries where water is still an abundant resource. Regions with water scarcity have for years had their own fine-tuned procedures for water management, but it […]