Author of report on climate change and democracy reflects on Cancun
Peter Burnell speaks to Jocelyne Sambira about the prospects for Cancun and the vulnerability of developing countries grappling with climate change. read more
Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’
Democracy and climate change: a story of failure
The political order of liberal democracy is incapable of rising to the challenge of global environmental catastrophe. Australia’s experience under John Howard suggests that it is time to think radically and embrace a post-democratic approach, says David Shearman. read more
Peak oil, climate change and democracy: Do they mix?
Winston Churchill once noted, “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” But have the pressing problems facing us today — looming peak oil, climate change, the still-strangled credit markets — given other forms of government an edge […]
Debate: the conflict between climate change and democratization
The interrelationship between climate protection and political systems continues to gain more and more attention in the public arena. The Boell Foundation started a debate on it, based on a paper by Peter Burnell. read more
Namibia’s Anti-BioPiracy Bill
Research suggests that trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, when specifically applied to “traditional” or indigenous knowledge, genetic material and plant and animal life, have a detrimental effect on biodiversity. The 2001 Doha Declaration suggested that the TRIPS Council look at the “patent-ability or non patent-ability of plant and animal […]