Timeline to global governance
An illuminating timeline of global governance that starts at 1891 and continues almost to the current day, stopping in 2001. read more
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Yale Global Online – developing global connections
As global connections led to global problems, the need to develop collective rules of governance become apparent. Of the myriad issues calling for global governance, nothing is perhaps more urgent than a global agreement to deal with the threat of climate change. read more
Global Governance Institute
The Global Governance Institute (GGI) is an independent, non-profit think tank based in Brussels. GGI brings together policy-makers, scholars and practitioners from the world’s leading institutions in order to devise, strengthen and improve forward-looking approaches to global governance. read more
Chandran Nair on the future
Chandran Nair, founder of the Hong Kong-based Global Institute for Tomorrow, offers a thought provoking thesis on how WE should start an honest discussion on how to build our common future.
Juan J. Daboub on adapting to climate change
Juan J. Daboub founded the Global Adaptation Institute. It is a non-profit environmental organization guided by a vision of building resilience against climate change and other global forces as a key component to sustainable development. Their mission is to enhance the world’s understanding of the urgency for adaptation to climate […]