Africa can teach the world to innovate!
Great CNN interview with Nigerian-American journalist Dayo Olopade on her book ‘The Bright Continent‘. Olopade believes advanced economies can learn from Africa’s innovative spirit. She says: “It’s about recombination, recycling, innovative use of existing objects.” Read more …
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“We don’t care!”
… says Adnane Addioui, native Moroccan, living and working in Rabat. He is Project Manager Society at the British Council there and deals a lot with young people and and is heavily involved in community work. For him the fact tht “WE don’t care!” is the major future challenge societies […]
Climate change: can democracy address the challenge?
One of the most troubling things about democracy is that it is famously bad at addressing problems that will hit critical mass some day in the future – when current elected leaders will no longer be in office. Climate change is a case in point… read more
Democracy and climate change: a story of failure
The political order of liberal democracy is incapable of rising to the challenge of global environmental catastrophe. Australia’s experience under John Howard suggests that it is time to think radically and embrace a post-democratic approach, says David Shearman. read more
Peak oil, climate change and democracy: Do they mix?
Winston Churchill once noted, “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” But have the pressing problems facing us today — looming peak oil, climate change, the still-strangled credit markets — given other forms of government an edge […]