Mit offenen Karten: Migration – Die Gründe (German)
The first part of the ARTE series on international migration focuses on the most common reasons that make people leave the land of their birth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTxUX3uBTm0
Read all posts from ‘Uncategorized’
Illegal Migration from Africa to EU on the Rise
Illegal emigration from Africa to Europe is a hard, risky and costly adventure with no guarantee of success. Some try it again and again; some stop in a transit country and never reach their final destination; for others this will be the last trip of their lives.
Negative Effects of Remittances
Last year, the official amount of remittances in the Phillipines reached US$14.4 billion, more than 10 per cent of the country’s GDP. Thus, the country is now the world’s third highest remittance-recipient country after India and Mexico. But how much do the Philippines pay for the remittances? How do natives […]
People move: A Blog about Migration, Remittances and Development
This blog is hosted by Dilip Ratha, lead economist at the World Bank. The articles, written primarily by World Bank staff, are devoted to the movement of people, and how migration and the money (remittances) that migrants send home can be leveraged for development. read more
Remittances From The Somali Diaspora
Financial remittances from Somalis living outside the country are an outstanding feature of the Somali economy, and have long been crucial to the economy. Today, the new diaspora in the West has assumed a very important role as a source of remittances to family members in Somalia or in refugee […]