At the GES 2013: “Fostering a Fair Deal on Talent”

This post was produced for the Global Economic Symposium 2013. Read more at

Many would agree that talent is one of any country’s most valuable assets. If utilized properly, talent can work wonders for a country’s economy. However, a country may have a lot of talented people but all of them might not be needed in the same place at the same time. This is where migration, opportunity, competition and the “Fair Deal on Talent” come in.
The round table setting had everyone excited at this first session on the second day of GES 2013. This session was focused on fostering a fair deal for talent around the globe. While European countries are seeking to attract talented migrants to come and work, many Asian nations like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Pakistan are calling their talent back home from other countries. Thus it has now become essential to sort out who is needed where and for what.
The views put forward by speakers from Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa on nurturing and retaining talent and shifting it around to facilitate a sustainable world economy can be summarized as follows: