Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Land tenure and international investments in agriculture. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition

Written by on . Published in The great land rush

The report findings include: No evidence of ‘pro-poor, win-win’ scenarios in these land deals; Negative impacts on communities where such land deals are carried out; Majority of land deals are not linked to food production, but for the production of biofuels and other industrial products such as timber; Major land deals occur not just in Africa, but worldwide – involving not just transnational capital, but domestic capital as well; And it is most likely that the trend in land grabbing will continue and escalate in the future, and might lead to renewed conflicts.

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ArriannaMarie Twitter: ArriannaMarieArrianna Marie

Writer. UChicago Grad Student. Novelist-in-Progress. Budding Activist. Researcher. Consultant. Prolific Reader. History Buff. Lover of all things Africa. You can find my blog on human trafficking and development issues in Africa here.