Development and Engagement in South America’s Resource Sector: Is China replicating the African Experience?
This paper compares the developmental dynamics entailed by China’s engagement in the South American and African extractive sectors. It argues that China’s growth and investment have strengthened the position of resource-endowed countries in the international economy, revitalizing resource industries and improving terms of trade for commodities. Concurrently, the expansion of […]
The Rise of China and the Natural Resource Curse in Africa
This paper studies the causal impact of China’s rising demand for natural resources on Sub-Saharan African political and economic development. [issuu layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=110509115624-77a653e82b744e7bac224a72b125f381 docname=meyersson_the_rise_of_china_and_the_natural_resour username=FutureChallenges loadinginfotext=The%20Rise%20of%20China%20and%20the%20Natural%20Resource%20Curse%20in%20Africa showhtmllink=true tag=africa width=420 height=272 unit=px]
China vs. the US: The Battle for Oil
China and the United States are the world’s biggest consumers of oil. To understand the impact that oil reserves can have on the governance of a resource-rich country it is equally important to take into account the role of oil-consuming countries.