Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘education’

  • Achieving Universal Primary Education

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    UNDP is in charge of monitoring, assessing and fostering the Millennium Goals; one of those goals is to achieve universal primary education. This institution also provides specific information about efforts carried out individually by countries. Although the general conclusion is positive, the program holds the view that the target is […]

  • If you have experience, you can share it!

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    This is the initiative of the community for education leaders that aims to become a virtual space where people from all over the world can collaborate and generate international dialogue, including the sharing of best practices and resources. Read more  

  • Public Private Partnership for Education

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    As an initiative established by the UNESCO to communicate the value of Multi stakeholder Partnerships for Education (MSPEs), several projects are being developed in order to strengthen the efforts of governments and private actors to achieve their goals better. CISCO for example, aims to leverage partnerships to improve education strategies. […]