Ecofashion leads the ecorevival
Worldwide, industries strive to achieve complete sustainability. With companies all turning ‘eco-friendly’ and judgement being pressed onto those who do not follow the green protocol, the fashion industry has been jolted into a state of flux. Chain fashion companies with mass produced clothing lines are still dominating the fashion realm, […]
Read all posts for ‘green revolution’
The Arab World Poised between Revolution and Repression
The Arab Spring must not be allowed to run out of steam. The sheer staying power of the old regimes and important social issues are threatening to slow down or even to stifle the revolutions, rebellions and nascent reforms. It is time that Europe flexed its political muscles read more
We Feed The World – But Who Feeds Us?
West African soil has become a contested commodity on the global market as countries compete for land to ensure food security. Meanwhile, the region itself still awaits its green revolution.