Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘Recursos naturales’

  • Entre nacionalizar y privatizar: buscando un equilibrio en Bolivia

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    Abstract During the 90’s, Bolivia’s economic policies were driven by the principles of the Washington Consensus which had privatization of state-owned companies as one of its core principles. Multiple companies were nationalized and they produced very poor results as the private owners not only failed to deliver their promises but […]

  • Indígenas de Brasil

    En busca de Eldorado

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    Abstract: To see globalization only taking into account its economic dimension is simplistic and reductionist. If there is something to be held accountable for exploitation and inequality is neoliberalism. Yet, neoliberalism uses globalization as a tool to spread competitiveness, labor flexibility, free trade, free markets and privatization, and the outcome […]

  • Mina Tintaya, Cusco.

    Los problemas de la gran minería en Perú

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    Abstract: In times of globalization and search for economic development, the mining industry is with no doubt one field that generates love and hate. Beyond socioenvironmental conflict there is a whole sociopolitical spectrum permeating this industry that has its parallel, and some antithesis, in the discourses about climate change and […]