En busca de Eldorado
Abstract: To see globalization only taking into account its economic dimension is simplistic and reductionist. If there is something to be held accountable for exploitation and inequality is neoliberalism. Yet, neoliberalism uses globalization as a tool to spread competitiveness, labor flexibility, free trade, free markets and privatization, and the outcome […]
Author Archive
Sobre cómo el empleo es un juego de azar
Abstract: The rules under which employment is framed are a mystery to me, the criteria on experience and preparation are always contradictory: you don’t need to have experience, yet you need it if your CV is to be considered; competitiveness has created a game in which “anything goes” – strategies […]
Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¿Es posible la paz en Colombia?
Abstract: War and peace are two opposite, yet complementary aspects of the complex human nature. One simply cannot exist without the other. There are many ways to understand peace, a very narrow conception of peace is peace as the absence of war, or the absence of violent armed confrontation. […]
Democracia en América Latina: ¿Tenemos los gobiernos que nos merecemos?
Abstract: Democracy is a work in progress, sometimes it goes backwards, but improvement shows up eventually in a process that is never going to be finished nor perfect. A reelection fever has affected Latin America the past years, perpetuating some governments and questioning the participation channels opened up […]
Deportistas colombianos: el triunfo de la esperanza sobre la realidad
Abstract: Talent and hope is present in every woman or man that represents a country in the Olympic games. However sometimes it takes more than that; eventually years of malnutrition will appear and sportsmen will not have what it takes to win a competition. The Olympic games are an opportunity […]