Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Author Archive

Mayxué Ospina Posse

PHD student of Social Sciences at the UNICAMP in Brazil. Bachelor’s degree (2008), and Master in History (2012).
  • La pobreza de la clase media globalizada

    Abstract: Amid the misery that abounds and overflows the streets of developing countries, advertising shows us happy and perfect families experiencing moments of ecstasy and communion under the taste of a Coke, or deluded girls who inhabit the bichromatic world of Barbie, the eroticized gothic of Monster High or the centennial […]

  • Vacunas: ¿un trato con la muerte?

    Abstract: Since the decade of the 1980’s, independent research from many parts of the world has been alerting about the potential toxicity of vaccines, in the short, intermediate and long terms. Among others, the main argument is that these are manufactured with derivates from mercury and alluminum – known depressors of the […]

  • Industria alimenticia y obesidad infantil en Brasil

    Abstract: Today, only in Brazil, one in every three children between 5 and 9 years is obese. Despite the campaigns undertaken by the public health ministry, nothing indicates a decrease of these figures. On the contrary, recent researchs show that the common Brazilian diet is increasingly rich in sugars and saturated […]