Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Author Archive

Mayxué Ospina Posse

PHD student of Social Sciences at the UNICAMP in Brazil. Bachelor’s degree (2008), and Master in History (2012).
  • Madres escindidas, mujeres exitosas

    Abstract: By force of masterful juggling, women have taken to pieces the myth of feminine inferiority, which so much worried the past generations of activists. Many of us have by far demonstrated how scary capable we are, when the time comes to assume a score of roles at the same […]

  • El encuentro con el otro: en busca de nuevos caminos

      Abstract: Just a brief look at our everyday environment verifies the presence of conflict as an inherent fact in community life. From the most basic relational structures as the family, to the more complex forms of human association as the nation-state, implicitly involve places of disagreement between different interests […]

  • El imperio de la sed en la potencia mundial del agua

    Foto de la autora   Abstract: Holder of 13% of the total global water, Brazil is currently considered the greatest water potency in the planet. However, paradoxically, it is estimated that about 45 million Brazilians, number corresponding to 25% of the total population, lack access to water. The vulnerability of […]