Reviving the Global Education Compact: Four Options for Global Education Funding
In this essay, Desmond Bermingham describes the framework for a better “global education compact” between donor and recipient nations and four possible arrangements to mobilize and allocate development assistance for education. He highlight the advantages and disadvantages of these options—all with the motivation of informing decisions that must be taken […]
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Hidden Privatisation in Public Education
This study was published on Issuu by Education International: “Many innovative proposals are put forward by our unions to reform and improve education. The debate should not be about whether education reforms are needed, but rather about the kind of reforms, and the conditions for success. A central issue, as […]
The Privatisation of Education In Chile
This study was published on Issuu by Education International: We are delighted to make this document available for use by any organisation or person interested in education, and particularly in quality public education for all. In this context, we think that the Chilean experience that has led to the privatisation […]
Reforming Education Finance in Transition Countries
This book reviews the experience with one specific though widely introduced approach to funding general education, namely per capita financing (PCF), in six countries in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region in an effort to learn which outcomes were achieved and how. The book was published on Issuu by […]
Education Policies and Education System: empowerment or dependency
This study was published on Issuu by Peter Ragno. [issuu width=420 height=272 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=100818081440-96ec42cee9404d628311877c198d9372 name=edu-policies-and-edu-system username=peter.ragno tag=education unit=px v=2]