Syria: Tracking protests with Ushahidi
The Technology for Transparency Network, an NGO, is tracking protests in Syria using Ushahidi, an open-source tool for tracking and mapping crowdsourced information. Read more
Read all posts from ‘Learning to share’
ICBL Landmines Monitor
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines is one of the most successful examples of an international, “loose-affiliation” NGO. See how they continue their work through a decentralized model. Read more
World Commission on Dams
The World Commission on Dams is one of the first examples of a broad-based, consensus-seeking project on a global issue. Read more
Burma Rivers Network
The Burma Rivers Network is a great example of local, issue-focused advocacy. Read more
How does the UN incorporate NGOs?
Through this website, you can get an idea of how the nine different commissions subsidiary to ECOSOC incorporate (or exclude) NGOs from their work. Read more