In between Curious Economics and l’exception culturelle: Implications of TAFTA | TTIP for the Cultural Sector
This article was written by Markus A. Kirchschlager | Participating Expert at Internet & Society Collaboratory e.V. | markus.kirchschlager@collaboratory.de | @extraverbal Abstract: The special role played by the cultural sector in free trade agreements is as old as trade liberalization itself. Informed by current negotiations on a transatlantic free trade […]
Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’
TAFTA | TTIP: No Thank You! That’s Not What a Transatlantic Partnership Means*
This article was written by Alessa Hartmann (German Forum on Environment and Development) and published in the “Transatlantic Colossus“. Abstract: The elimination of tariffs and the harmonization of standards increases economic power and produces wealth for all – this is the fallacy the negotiations between the US and the EU on […]
The Treatment of Non-Investment Interests in Investor-State Disputes: Challenges for the TAFTA | TTIP Negotiations
Abstract: Current TAFTA | TTIP negotiations are expected to provide US investors with the capacity EU governments through international investment arbitration. This field of international law is experiencing a huge surge, with record numbers of investor-state disputes being filed. However, investment claims brought by investors disadvantaged due to policies promoting […]
What’s going on in Ukraine?
People from all over the world see the black smoke from used tires, aggressive protesters throwing stones and molotovs in police and think: these are dangerous extremists! Why don’t they resolve all these questions in their parliament? The government tells the same to the people gathered at the Maidan in […]
TAFTA | TTIP: New Dawn for Atlanticists, Sunset for Old Europe?
Abstract: TAFTA | TTIP negotiations are taking place in the context of what could be a new era of free trade. Both the EU and the US have bolstered their efforts to conclude bilateral free trade agreements all over the world in the last years. Simultaneously however, the EU and the US […]