Who are We?
For weeks, reporters, pundits, and political strategists have been puzzling over this question. Now, the organizers of the protest have provided at least part of the answer. A couple of weeks ago, they invited a CUNY sociologist, Héctor Cordero-Guzmán, to survey visitors to their main Web site, occupywallst.org. More than […]
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Eddy, ex cop in New York City on #OWS
Great conversation with Eddy. He used to serve for 20 years as a police officer in Brooklyn … I can imagine a tough job! I was really happy he took time off to talk with me! Thanks again, Eddy!
Land belongs to the community: Demystifying the ‘global land grab’ in Southern Sudan
This paper presents preliminary data concerning large-scale land acquisitions in two of the ‘Green Belt’ states of Southern Sudan: Central Equatoria and Western Equatoria. It explores the concept ‘land belongs to the community’, a statement that has been taken up by communities in their demand for greater involvement in decision-making […]
The Next Great Trek? South African Commercial Farmers Move North
This paper analyses the shifting role of South African farmers, agribusiness and capital elsewhere in southern Africa and the rest of the continent. It explores recent expansion trends, investigates the interests and agendas shaping such deals, and the legitimating ideologies and discourses employed in favour of them. [issuu width=420 height=297 […]
The Great Land Grab: Rush for World’s Farmland Threatens Food Security for the Poor
The Oakland Institute sounds the alarm on the threat that land grabbing poses to food security and livelihoods. Land grabs–the purchase of vast tracts of land from poor, developing countries by wealthier, food-insecure nations and private investors–have become a widespread phenomenon, with foreign interests seeking or securing between 37 million […]