Are Rich Countries Immune to the Resource Curse? Evidence from Norway’s Management of Its Oil Riches
Growth studies show, counter to intuition, that the discovery of a natural resource may be a curse rather than a blessing since resource-rich countries grow slower than others. But it has been suggested that Norway may be an important exception to the curse and that the curse does not afflict […]
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Oil Revenues in Angola. Much More Information But Not Enough Transparency
Significant gaps in the data published by the Angolan government about its earnings from the oil industry undermine its attempts to shed a reputation for corruption, says this new study by Global Witness and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa – Angola (OSISA-Angola). [issuu layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=110510123720-5d50a386a34d413cad3679b07873e496 docname=global_witness_osisa_angola_oil_revenues_in_angola username=FutureChallenges […]
The Influence of Petroleum on Conflict Dynamics in Chad
Chad is a poor, undemocratic and conflict-ridden country. The promise had been that oil exploitation in the Doba basin, in the south of the country, would bring about a bright future and would finally lift the entire nation out of poverty. Almost ten years after the official opening of the […]
Chad’s Oil. Miracle or Mirrage: Following the Money in Africa’s Newest Petro-State
The controversial Chad-Cameroon Oil Development and Pipeline Project was widely seen as a test case for how a country could overcome the “resource curse” by consciously using oil production revenues to reduce poverty. The $4.2 billion project, with its 665-mile pipeline was led by Exxon-Mobile with financing from the World […]
The Rise of China and the Natural Resource Curse in Africa
This paper studies the causal impact of China’s rising demand for natural resources on Sub-Saharan African political and economic development. [issuu layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=110509115624-77a653e82b744e7bac224a72b125f381 docname=meyersson_the_rise_of_china_and_the_natural_resour username=FutureChallenges loadinginfotext=The%20Rise%20of%20China%20and%20the%20Natural%20Resource%20Curse%20in%20Africa showhtmllink=true tag=africa width=420 height=272 unit=px]