Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Sustainability and Inclusive Growth: Interview with Alexandra Pérez Salazar at GES 2013

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This post was produced for the Global Economic Symposium 2013. Read more at

At an event like the Global Economic Symposium 2013 recently held in Kiel that proclaimed a global outlook but was distinctly weighted towards Europe in terms of speakers and audience, it was very interesting to share impressions with the few people attending from Latin America.

One of them, Alexandra Pérez Salazar, an Ecuadorian consultant specialized in best  government practices, agreed to make a short video interview with me focused on issues of sustainability and inclusive growth which are undoubtedly very important issues for the region.

In this interview she talks about how Latin American countries need a joined-up effort between government, business, academia and civil society in order to promote and achieve sustainability, and also highlights the concept of social finance as a key factor in the inclusive growth of our societies.

En medio de un evento de alcance global pero con un nivel de asistencia marcadamente europeo, como resultó ser el reciente Global Economic Symposium 2013 en Kiel, Alemania, fue muy interesante compartir impresiones del evento con los pocos asistentes latinoamericanos.

Uno de ellos, Alexandra Pérez, una consultora ecuatoriana especializada en buenas prácticas gubernamentales, accedió además a realizar una pequeña video entrevista enfocada en los temas de la sustentabilidad y el crecimiento inclusivo, asuntos por demás importantes para la región.

Aparte de señalar que para que los países latinoamericanos promuevan y logren la sustentabilidad necesitan hacer un trabajo conjunto entre el gobierno, empresarios, académicos y sociedad civil, ella también destacó el concepto de las finanzas sociales como un factor clave en el crecimiento inclusivo de nuestras sociedades.

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Juan Arellano Twitter: @cyberjuanJuan

Juan Arellano Valdivia, 51 years old, former System programmer. I worked 12 years as analyst/developer at Minero Perú SA, then another 5 years as Operations Manager at IPSS/ESSALUD. After a time devoted to personal business returned to the public admin as head of collections at Municipalidad de Maynas, Iquitos. I´ve also worked in ONPE, the National Office of Electoral Processes, as supervisor at the Regional Coordination. In 2004, with some friends we developed "BlogsPerú" the first blogs directory in Peru. Since 2007 I work as Global Voices en español Editor. I´ve also collaborated in the "Información Cívica" project from OSI, and collaborate with "Periodismo Ciudadano" and "Distintas Latitudes" websites, among others.