Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • El lado oscuro del TLCAN: una historia sobre el campesinado en México

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    Abstract: In spite of the enormous commercial benefits brought by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), millions of Mexican farmers have been forced to withdraw from the market as an effect of poorly regulated liberalization and national agricultural policies. Small Mexican producers lack the necessary resources to compete against […]

  • Sobre cómo el empleo es un juego de azar

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    Abstract: The rules under which employment is framed are a mystery to me, the criteria on experience and preparation are always contradictory: you don’t need to have experience, yet you need it if your CV is to be considered; competitiveness has created a game in which “anything goes” – strategies […]

  • Mina Tintaya, Cusco.

    Los problemas de la gran minería en Perú

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    Abstract: In times of globalization and search for economic development, the mining industry is with no doubt one field that generates love and hate. Beyond socioenvironmental conflict there is a whole sociopolitical spectrum permeating this industry that has its parallel, and some antithesis, in the discourses about climate change and […]

  • Chamán Guaraní. Foto: Agência Brasil. Agencia Pública de Noticias.

    Mato Grosso do Sul en llamas

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    Abstract: Mato Grosso do Sul is in flames. Kaiowa Guarani Indians have announced in a statement its imminent demise. The reason is a Regional Federal Court judgment that mandating that 30 families leave their territories. The situation has become more serious due to threats by the landowners, and incursions of […]