Democracy and climate change: a story of failure
The political order of liberal democracy is incapable of rising to the challenge of global environmental catastrophe. Australia’s experience under John Howard suggests that it is time to think radically and embrace a post-democratic approach, says David Shearman. read more
Australia’s “Clean Energy” Future
Nothing in Australian politics has caused so much controversy since the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2000. What is it? The recent announcement of a blueprint for carbon tax by Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Although the tax will not become effective until July 2012, the opposition […]
Reaching for the Stars
It is an underappreciated fact that government, campaigners, scientists and our brightest business minds do share a consensus on one issue; that Australia is ideally situated for a green energy future. Our treasure trove of wind, wave, sun and geo-thermal heat has the capacity to supply us […]
Rolling on a River: towards partnership or piracy?
Set to ‘transform’ Queensland’s electricity market and improve lives in southern Papua New Guinea (PNG), the recently announced plans for hydro-electricity project in remote PNG to power northern Australia have provoked as much praise as they have condemnation. On the one hand the project may represent a mutually beneficial and […]
Remittances from a Refugee
Kathy*, originally from Papua New Guinea, fled her home country and arrived in Australia late last year. Living as an asylum seeker in Australia is tough, despite what the media might report. Of the asylum seekers who are not locked away in detention centres few have work rights, access to […]