Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

  • The Great Land Grab: The Discovery of a New Aquifer in Namibia

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    The arid nation of Namibia has a newly discovered aquifer called Ohangwena II, that spans its northeast region, which flows under the boundary between Angola and Namibia. The country is considered one of the driest in Sub-Sahara Africa, as it is largely covered by the Namib Desert. This is especially […]

  • Foresight: Three Scenarios Regarding the Monetary Union

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    This article was originally drafted by the Society for International Development for the newsletter “GHEA Outlook” as part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Searchlight Process. For more Searchlight content on, please click here. The currency and inflation crisis and the EAC’s commitment to monetary union offers an opportunity to speculate about some […]

  • Namibia’s Anti-BioPiracy Bill

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    Research suggests that trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, when specifically applied to “traditional” or indigenous knowledge, genetic material and plant and animal life, have a detrimental effect on biodiversity. The 2001 Doha Declaration suggested that the TRIPS Council look at the “patent-ability or non patent-ability of plant and animal […]