Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘ccp’

  • China’s Hukou System Furthers Its Educational Inequality

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    China operates a household registration system, the hukou, which is often times bewildering to foreigners. As outsiders, we often assume that freedom of movement within our country of citizenship is sacrosanct. Domestic migrants in China, however, pay a high price. The recent Economist article about China’s unequal hukou  system was correct in […]

  • New Leaders, Old Challenges – China in Power Transition

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    The „Asia-Policy-Briefs“ analyze political and economic developments in Asia and reflect on their impact on Germany and Europe. The short briefing papers focus on current events as well as underlying trends in important Asian countries. In addition, they seek to develop concepts and strategies for politics and society on how […]