Resource Management and Transition in Central Asia, Azerbaijan, and Mongolia
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the resource-rich transition economies of Mongolia and the southern republics of the former Soviet Union. For Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, the ability to earn revenue from cotton exports allowed them to avoid reform. Oil in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan was associated with large-scale corruption, but […]
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Natural Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean. Beyond Booms and Busts?
Traditionally considered a curse for a nation‘s development, commodity wealth in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) could – on the contrary – represent a foundation for prosperity, according to a new report released today by the World Bank.The increased demand for minerals and agricultural commodities from Asian markets, especially […]
Does Oil Hinder Democracy?
Some scholars suggest that the Middle East’s oil wealth helps explain its failure to democratize. This article examines three aspects of this “oil impedes democracy” claim. First, is it true? Does oil have a consistently antidemocratic effect on states, once other factors are accounted for? Second, can this claim be […]
idasa – African Democracy Institute
The African Democracy Institute has published several reports on natural resource management with case studies of some African countries. read more
Global Civil Society. Myth or Reality?
An interview with Prof. Helmut Anheier, PhD, Dean at Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, who sheds light on the strengths and weaknesses of global civil society. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzrb4vXSzHM By Corina Murafa