Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘economic growth’

  • Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth

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    One of the surprising features of modern economic growth is that economies abundant in natural resources have tended to grow slower than economies without substantial natural resources. In this paper we show that economies with a high ratio of natural resource exports to GDP in 1970 (the base year) tended […]

  • The Africa Competitiveness Report

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    The Africa Competitiveness Report (2011, World Economic Forum) highlights areas where they need an urgent policy action and investment to ensure that Africa sustains its economic recovery and quality of life continues to grow in the future. Read more

  • Dilip Ratha on Migration

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    Dilip Ratha, Manager with the Migration and Remittances Unit of the World Bank, presents the newest evidence on the development impact of remittances in the post-crisis time.