Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘economic growth’

  • Future Challenges Reader: Work in the Developing World

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    Today we have published the first Future Challenges Reader! The first volume comprises the lead article Work in the Developing World and five “Local Views” from our blogger network. We hope you’ll enjoy this first in a series of Future Challenges Readers. This volume is published under a Creative Commons CC […]

  • hutan: 100 Years of Peace, Unity, and Happiness. Photo by Rajkumar1220 on Flickr CC BY 2.0.

    Don’t Destroy Your Home (and Other Ideas on Happiness)

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    The notion that economic growth is inherently beneficial for society is deeply entrenched dogma in the United States. The primary (indeed, almost sole) metrics of our nation’s health and success are economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the total value of all nationally produced goods and services, and […]

  • Olympic Rings in London / flickr user duncan c / CC-BY-NC-3.0

    The Olympics: A Tale of Two Worlds

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    Do the Olympic Games provide a unique opportunity for us to come together on a level playing field, or are they just one more circumstance in which the differences between the developed and developing worlds are shown in stark relief?

  • Rapid Urbanization: Lessons From the Hungarian Rust-Belt

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    The rapid development of megacities is a characteristic feature of today’s world. Megacities bring many positive changes to people’s lives in developing countries; however, the negative implications of such unsustainable growth also weigh heavy in the balance. Given the changes and challenges that rapid urbanization produces, the recent past offers many useful lessons for […]