m:Lab East Africa: Africa’s first mobile Lab
This video has been submitted by kachwanya. Kenya recently launched Africa’s first mobile apps lab known as m-lab. The facility based in Nairobi Kenya will serve as incubation center for new business in the mobile space within East Africa countries. Among the initiatives which will be taken by the lab […]
Read all posts for ‘education’
Lack of easy access to educational materials in many of Ghana’s rural communities is a huge challenge to smooth teaching and learning. Coupled with the unavailability of electricity in many places, school work can be as unmotivating for students as it is challenging for teachers. This is a problem that […]
Bye bye blackboards – a cool one billion for educational IT!
Wouldn’t it be a great idea to set ourselves the goal of becoming world leaders in educational IT in the next five years? Jan Arpe thinks so. Education is a key factor in dealing with the impact of global megatrends. This is not the least of the reasons that motivated […]
How online education is changing the way we learn
Infographic about how online education is changing the way we learn. Read more