Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘egypt’

  • Snapshots from Tahrir Square after Friday Prayers

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    Mohamed Atia, 44, Hamam City, Mars Mardroh State 1. When was the first time you went to Tahrir Square? January 28, 2011. And I stayed until February, 12. 2. What has changed since then? Nothing. It got even worse: corruption increased, unemployment increased, prices skyrocketed. 3. How does it feel […]

  • New York is not America …

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    … and Cairo isn’t Egypt. In any way you can think of. We went about 1.5 hour south of Cairo, 40+ degree on an endless desert road. Final destination: the urban hinterland of Fayoum where farmers and fishermen live and work.   People in their villages experienced the revolutionary days […]

  • From Rabat to Damascus: Arab Spring Blues

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    Arab  Spring, Act I: the seduction of straightforward revolutions. In December 2010, Mohammed Bouazizi, a street vendor in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, set fire to himself to protest against his treatment by the authorities when he tried to get back the wares they had confiscated. . This self-immolation in the name […]