Non-communicable Diseases – A race against time
Here the case of South Africa serves an example of the “race against time” represented by NCDs, either they start preventing, or the economic and social costs will become unaffordable in the next years. Read more
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First Global Ministerial Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and Noncommunicable Disease Control
At the First Global Ministerial Conference (Moscow, 28-29 April 2011), a paper with some recommendations and a rough idea of the situation was presented. When dealing with finding solutions, here you can find some of the proposals to support your original ideas. Read more
Jamie Oliver rallies United Nations for aid in his anti-obesity campaign
“Naked Chef” Jamie Oliver took advantage of the high-level meeting in September 2011 to promote his campaign on the Internet asking for help in the fight against obesity. According to him it is all about informing the people and helping them to make the right choices. Read more
Combating non-communicable diseases (Australian Sports Outreach Program in Nauru)
It was possible to build up a healthy and strong society with sports. By introducing volleyball in Nauru, Australia, a whole community started fighting against the huge expenses created by obesity and cardiorespiratory diseases. It is all about clever ideas to change the current habits of the people. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyoCMC5ncR4
WHO: Global Noncommunicable Disease Network
There is a “major gap in the international agenda”, it is necessary to start working for assuring a better future for developing countries that are getting trapped by the net of incredible expenses such as NCDs.