Will Social Media Use In Kenya Bring Change To Kenyans?
It’s official: Kenyans, particularly young Kenyans are very addicted to the use of Twitter, Facebook, blogs and other online channels to meet like-minded people, share information and their thoughts. Now the BIG question is: “Would Kenyan youth use social media to bring change to Kenya come the 2012 general elections?” […]
Read all posts for ‘Nairobi blast’
The 9/11 Anniversary: Memories of the 1998 Nairobi Bomb Blast Awaken
This month as the US and the world mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States, I look at the impact of an event which took place three years before that fateful day in Nairobi, Kenya. The exact date was August 7, 1998, when suicide […]