Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts for ‘public expenditure’

  • Mexican pesos. Photo by Speaking Latino CC BY 2.0

    Mexico’s middle class takes a body blow

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    A struggling middle class watched from the sidelines while Congress mangled a ‘miscellaneous fiscal reform’ through the Senate and passed it in ‘fast-track’ mode, creating great concern among millions of households. When Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto took up office in 2012, he came in embracing his role as the […]

  • Uganda: Cut Public Administration Costs NOW!

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    Ever since the negative effects of the global economic crisis began to show in 2009, countries have nearly focused on patching budget deficits and reducing debt to retain “economic health”. But recently European Union leaders have begun to acknowledge that speedy  spending cuts could not be the magic solution for […]