There is not much left to say, but a lot left to do.
Reflections from the 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women Mark Twain once mused, ‘What would men be without women? Scarce sir, mighty scarce.’ Women are a crucial element of the human equation, and yet many of the world’s women, particularly rural women, have been relegated to […]
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Lets change the way we look at men and women
Why not replace the societal paradigm of man and woman being a contrast to one another to complementing one another? Both must work together to live a healthy life and to form a happy society. Pakistani women are living capsuled lives; experiencing double pressures from society and the men they […]
Women’s Rights in Cambodia: breaking up with old traditions
I have been taught differently by my family and society. While my parents – who value education and equal status of human being regardless of sex – brought me to today’s higher education the same as my brother, my society distracted me into a mixed environment where any step to […]
My daughter won´t be your maid
Felipe Quispe, a prominent indigenous leader who sieged the city of La Paz in 2000 in order to induce the structural change our country needed so much was a student at the San Andrés University in La Paz. He was a History student and got some of his protest ideas […]
Personal grief or collective pain, women at forefront of struggles
Life is tough as it is. But often it is doubly tough. On the International Women’s Day, we pay a tribute to the spirit of women as they go about their chores – at work on the streets for the sake of their families, or to protest for causes close […]