Why civil society matters
Stuart Etherington, writing in the Guardian, gives a great overview of why “civil society is an essential part of a truly vital world”. Read more
Read all posts from ‘Learning to share’
NGOs take part in the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen
The majority of the registrants for the 15,000 seats available at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen were from NGOs.
Incorporating NGOs into multilateral negotiations
Through this website, you can get an idea of how the nine different commissions subsidiary to ECOSOC incorporate (or exclude) NGOs from their work. read more
Civil society, challenged to act in conflict areas
The Economist recently wrote on the Sri Lankan conflict and civil society: “keep quiet and carry on”. read more
The homepage of Peter Willetts, an expert on the workings of NGOs in an international context
Learn more about Professor Peter Willetts and his work at City University in London. read more