Learning Our Lesson
As protesters around the world demand their right to a good education, Blanca Vera and Amaya Querejazu investigate the learning potential offered by public-private partnerships.
Read all posts from ‘Global Issues’
The Role and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Education
The book offers an overview of international examples, studies, and guidelines on how to create successful partnerships in education. PPPs can facilitate service delivery and lead to additional financing for the education sector as well as expanding equitable access and improving learning outcomes. This study has been published by the […]
Developing Post-Primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Because of the remarkable progress that countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have made toward universalizing primary school completion (a Millennium Development Goal), many young Africans are completing primary schooling and many more will do so in the coming years. As they seek opportunities for further education, the pressure to expand places […]
Reviving the Global Education Compact: Four Options for Global Education Funding
In this essay, Desmond Bermingham describes the framework for a better “global education compact” between donor and recipient nations and four possible arrangements to mobilize and allocate development assistance for education. He highlight the advantages and disadvantages of these options—all with the motivation of informing decisions that must be taken […]
Hidden Privatisation in Public Education
This study was published on Issuu by Education International: “Many innovative proposals are put forward by our unions to reform and improve education. The debate should not be about whether education reforms are needed, but rather about the kind of reforms, and the conditions for success. A central issue, as […]