Record Gold Prices Spur More Illegal Mining
The practice of illegal mining is ages-old and in resource-rich Africa as constant as the harshness of the rising sun. Governments have battled with this informal sector for decades with laws that seek to place mining under a legal regime. The benefits to government would presumably be to increase tax […]
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Europe’s Atomic Dilemma: Will the anti-nuclear wave increase carbon emissions?
Rarely has the relationship between public policy and public opinion been so clear in Europe than in the realm of energy since the Fukushima accident. The effects of the Japanese earthquake in this area appear stronger in Europe than in most other regions and probably greater than even in Japan […]
Cambodia: The Two Sides of Intra-Asian Migration
Migration is a worldwide phenomenon from which Cambodia is no exception. After a long decade of isolation due to genocide and political conflict, this country is now integrated with regional blocs or bodies—like ASEAN and WTO—and has adopted the free market system which is meant to respect the free movement […]
International aid: towards a responsible partnership for development
The eighth of the 2015 United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) states that the international community is to take measures to increase cooperation and encourage a partnership between the developed and the developing world. With a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.49, and with 40% of its population living below […]
Sharing the Management Table: Indigenous expertise and climate change in Australia
As it becomes clear that western culture is ill-equipped to adequately respond to climate change, demand for alternative forms of climate data is growing. In Australia the knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) peoples is attracting particular attention for its capacity to provide rich information about local level […]