Thinking global, living local: Voices in a globalized world

Read all posts from ‘Relationship trouble’

  • Take and divide? No more Sharikov!

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    Whenever I hear about the so-called “welfare-state model”, I always think of Polygraf Polygraphovitch Sharikov. He is a protagonist in Mikhail Bulgakov’s fantastic story The Heart of a Dog. In the early days of the USSR, a professor-surgeon created a hybrid between a dog and a man, which turned into […]

  • El bolsillo roto de papá Estado

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    Abstract: At the end of 2012, the debt of El Salvador reached $13,480.1 million, about 56.5% of the Gross Domestic Product. The Government has a limited income but a growing spenditure, and nowadays maintains a list of subsides on products and services that costs over $400 million. This subsides have […]

  • Can we find the correct balance between the state and civil society?

    Relationship Trouble

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    What is the future of the relationship between the state and its citizens? Will the social-welfare state rise supreme, or some variety of unfettered capitalism, with minimal state involvement? Will new models rise instead? What can citizens expect from their governments in the future?